Good Practice

19 August 2019
Women’s Employment into Action (WEIA)

Women’s Employment into Action (WEIA) is one of several AMRC initiatives to encourage refugee and migrant women in Adelaide to pursue education and employment participation pathways.

The WEIA program aims to address issues hindering refugee and migrant women entering the workforce and to provide them with the opportunity to break cultural stereotypes, explore potential employment pathways and develop skills around networking, personal growth and engagement in the care industry.

“WEIA is an opportunity for refugee and migrant women to participate in a program which is designed to build resilience, develop new skills in a culturally safe environment through tailored training and mentoring programs. We want to challenge cultural stereotypes and work with women in building their confidence and knowledge on how to embrace professional development and career opportunities available to them while supporting their growing families and caring for other family members,” Prue Hemming, AMRC Training and Employment Manager said.

The participants will have a range of work experience, qualifications, skills and levels of proficiency in English. The training and support will be tailored to the needs of the participants, including assisting people with overseas qualifications to have them recognised, arranging for recognition of prior learning, delivering pre-vocational training for people who need support to study, and delivering Certificate II and Certificate III courses for people who are ready to study. Participants will be supported with study assistance from bi-cultural classroom assistants, free child-care if needed and mentoring support.

All participants will be supported to find employment and/or will be linked with an aged-care or disability-care service provider to undertake work experience or undergo further training. All host work places will be offered cultural awareness training.

There are 34 participants engaged with the program at this stage where 14 are already in employment and 19 are doing full time Cert III in Individual Support. 5 participants are in the process of work experience, job searching and further training pathways.

“We are assisting women to empower themselves to access careers in the aged care and disability industry and promote information and awareness among refugee and migrant communities,” Mirsia Bunjaku, AMRC Manager said.

For further information, please contact WEIA staff on 8217 9513 or

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